Use "ovary|ovaries" in a sentence

1. Ovaries

2. Ovaries?

3. Considering only the four sequences with more than 2.5 times difference on the expression in ovaries of Apomicts than of sexual plants, BbrizHelic, BbrizRan, BbrizSec13 and BbrizSti1, a more detailed expression analysis throughout different stages of ovary development was performed using RNA from ovaries at megasporogenesis (stages I and II

4. No, that's for your ovaries.

5. Surgical removal of the ovaries

6. Adenocarcinoma of the ovary is a cancer of the glandular tissue of the ovary

7. XX Chromosomes = vagina & ovaries = woman

8. Thousands of Eggs Unused by Ovaries

9. ADNEXA Ovaries cannot usually be felt unless the client is very thin or the ovaries are enlarged.

10. Adnexal are the fallopian tubes and ovaries

11. You got cancer in your ovaries, too?

12. Apocarpous ovary is always unilocular.

13. Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology Normal tubes/ovaries: Adnexae are the Fallopian tubes and ovaries that are normal

14. • Pain on movement Adnexa Ovaries cannot usually be felt unless the client is very thin or the ovaries are enlarged.

15. While the Angiosperms plants contain ovary

16. In a flower, when more than one free carpels are present, the ovary is called Apocarpous ovary

17. Most often Anechoic cysts in the ovary may be the corpus luteum of the ovary or follicular cyst

18. Most cases of ovarian cancer arise on the epithelial surface of the ovary, not in the ovary itself.

19. Lordy lord, have mercy on my ovaries.

20. We had to remove your ovaries and uterus.

21. Ovary is always unilocular in Apocarpous Gynoecium.

22. In day 7 ovaries of Androgenized rats (d7, Fig

23. The flower has several free ovaries in Apocarpous

24. Both ovaries are unremarkable with normal follicles seen.

25. 13 The ovaries are adnexa of the uterus.

26. For example, ovarian Apoplexy is bleeding in the ovaries

27. Examining the uterus, cervix, ovaries and Adnexae: normal findings

28. Adnexitis means fallopian tube and ovary inflammation.

29. Within the abdominal cavity, the ovaries should be located.

30. Metastasis of non-Adnexal cancer to the ovary)

31. Ovary may be the synthetic position of vitellin.

32. The uterine Adnexa are the FALLOPIAN TUBES and the OVARIES

33. 1 The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus.

34. Eggs need to be collected from the woman's ovary.

35. The growth of ovary and folliculus were not effected.

36. If there is any possibility of one ovary, or even part of an ovary being safely left, you should discuss this with your gynaecologist .

37. PID can affect the uterus , fallopian tubes , and_or the ovaries .

38. Women's health became synonymous with reproduction: breasts, ovaries, uterus, pregnancy.

39. 15 Fallopian tubes and ovaries are adnexa of the uterus.

40. Examples of the Apocarpous ovary include lotus and rose.


42. Ovary Apocarpous or, more rarely, syncarpous (secondarily syncarpous in Nerium).

43. Implore right ovary cyst to keep the effective medicine treating?

44. These clusters lie beneath the outer layer of the ovary.

45. The two locules of the ovary each contain many seeds.

46. The ovary has a central column in Medusandra and Soyauxia.

47. What are Ambiguous genitalia? Early in fetal development, the tissue that will become the gonads (ovaries or testes) is undifferentiated and has the potential to become either ovaries or testes

48. Pelvic Adhesions can occur around the bladder, bowel, ureter, uterus and ovaries

49. The Adnexa are made up of the fallopian tubes and ovaries

50. The ovaries produce eggs ( ova ) and female hormones such as estrogen .

51. The ovary is located at the bottom of a Carpel

52. Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.

53. Multicellular archesporium and double embryo sac formed in an ovary.

54. Polycystic ovary syndrome is the commonest cause (70%) of Anovulatory subfertility

55. Locules are chambers within the ovary of the flower and fruits.

56. Pelvic Adhesions can occur around the bladder, bowel, ureter, uterus and ovaries

57. The parts of the Adnexa uteri are the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and ligaments

58. Each Carpel consist of three parts namely stigma, style and ovary

59. During each monthly menstrual cycle , an egg is released from one ovary .

60. It will convince each ovary that the other has won the trick.

61. But an egg from a woman’s ovaries cannot produce life on its own.

62. Preventative Oophorectomy : Preventatice Oopherectomy is the removal of the ovaries for risk reduction.

63. In women, estrogen secreted from the ovaries signals the start of adulthood.

64. The majority of cases with secondary amenorrhea in adolescents involve polycystic ovaries.

65. Last year. following hormonal stimulation, doctors removed four eggs from her ovaries.

66. Carpels have three parts: the stigma, the style, and the ovary.

67. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond .

68. An ovarian Cystectomy is surgery to remove a cyst from your ovary

69. Positive imaging of arrhenoblastoma of the ovary with 131I-Adosterol: case report

70. Women of all ages may develop an Adnexal mass, especially in the ovaries.

71. Located below the perianth and other floral parts. Used of an ovary.

72. Androstenedione is made in the adrenal glands as well as the testes and ovaries

73. Adhesions are most often found throughout your pelvic area, around your ovaries, uterus, and bladder

74. Endocrine Traits of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Prenatally Androgenized Female Sprague-Dawley Rats

75. A Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a surgery to remove both your fallopian tubes and ovaries

76. 1,3-Butadiene may damage the male (testes) and female (ovaries) reproductive systems in animals

77. Androstenedione is made in the adrenal glands as well as the testes and ovaries

78. When an Anovulatory cycle occurs, the ovaries fail to ovulate during the menstrual cycle.

79. • Ovaries; Hypothalamus; Prostate; Mammary glands; Pituitary glands; Adrenal gland; Adrenal gland extract, and Orchic

80. The egg travels from the ovary through a Fallopian tube to the uterus .